El presente aviso legal (en adelante, el «Aviso Legal») regula el uso del servicio del portal de Internet https://www.appsdrop.com/ (en adelante, el «Portal») que RedAccenir, S. L. (en adelante, «empresa»), entidad mercantil con CIF B-64.198.963. Sociedad inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona en el Tomo 38568, Folio 28, Hoja B 327038, Inscripción 1 del 25 de mayo de 2006 y dirección a efectos de notificación en la calle Balmes Nº 1, Primera Planta, 08225 Terrassa, pone a disposición de los usuarios de Internet. La utilización del Portal atribuye la condición de usuario del Portal (en adelante, el «Usuario») e implica la aceptación plena y sin reservas de todas y cada una de las disposiciones incluidas en este Aviso Legal en la versión publicada por la empresa en el momento mismo en que el Usuario acceda al Portal. En consecuencia, el Usuario debe leer atentamente el presente Aviso Legal en cada una de las ocasiones en que se proponga utilizar el Portal, ya que aquél puede sufrir modificaciones. La utilización de ciertos servicios ofrecidos a los Usuarios a través del Portal se encuentra sometida a condiciones particulares propias (en adelante, las «Condiciones Particulares») que, según los casos, sustituyen, completan y/o modifican el presente Aviso Legal. Por lo tanto, con anterioridad a la utilización de dichos servicios, el Usuario también ha de leer atentamente las correspondientes Condiciones Particulares. Asimismo, la utilización del Portal se encuentra sometida igualmente a todos los avisos, reglamentos de uso e instrucciones, puestos en conocimiento del Usuario por la empresa que sustituyen, completan y/o modifican el presente Aviso Legal. El idioma utilizado es el español.

1. Object

Through the Portal, the company provides the Users the access and use of different services and contents (hereafter, the «Services») made available by the company or by third-parties. The use of the software downloaded from the Portal rests under your responsibility.

2. Terms of access and use of the Portal

2.1 Free nature of the Portal access and use

The Services providing, by the company, has free nature for the Users. Notwithstanding the foregoing, some of the Services provided by the company or by third-parties through the Portal are subjected to the payment of a price in the way the corresponding Particular Terms determine it..

2.2 User sign in

Con carácter general, la prestación de los Servicios no exige la previa suscripción o registro de los Usuarios. No obstante, la empresa condiciona la utilización de algunos de los Servicios a la previa cumplimentación del correspondiente registro de Usuario, que se encuentra disponible para aquellos que deseen registrarse en la URL https://www.appsdrop.com/users/.
También mediante la cumplimentación del formulario de nuestro portal para el servicio 'Integración de soluciones' o algún otro de petición de información sobre software por parte del usuario, la organización del portal le presta un servicio de consultoría y búsqueda de software adaptado a sus necesidades. Estos datos pueden ser cedidos a terceras empresas comercializadoras de software que trabajan con portalprogramas.com para que puedan contactar con usted y enviarle una oferta sobre sus productos y soluciones. Ver política de privacidad y términos de uso
Also, the company makes available some Services to Users, the use of whom requires the accomplishment of additional registries. The mentioned register will be performed in the way specifically indicated in the proper service or in the Particular Terms which regulate it .

2.3 Cierre de cuenta usuario.

El usuario podrá cerrar su cuenta en el Portal usando el procedimiento que se detalla más adelante. Si decide cerrar su cuenta, la desactivaremos y eliminaremos la información de su perfil. Para cerrar su cuenta en el Portal, contacte con nosotros en help ARROBA appsdrop.com. Le enviaremos un correo electrónico para confirmar su solicitud. Recuerde que una vez que usted haya cerrado su cuenta no podrá acceder al sitio, ni a su información personal. Sin embargo, podrá abrir una cuenta nueva en cualquier momento.

2.4 Veracidad de la información

All the information provided by the User through the Services will must be truthful. For this purpose, the User assures the authenticity of all of those data he or she communicates as consequence of the required forms compliance for the Services subscription. Alike, it will be the User responsibility to keep permanently updated all the information provided to the company, in a way that could respond, any time, the User real situation. In any case the User will be the only responsible for the false or inaccurate demonstrations he or she does, and for the damage it could cause to the company or to third parties because of the information he or she provides..

2.5 Menores de edad

If you are under-age, do not provide your personal information without the consent of your parents or guardians, and ask them to contact us.
For the use of the Services, under-ages must get previously the permission of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered responsible for every act made by the minors at their charge .
The full responsibility on the determination of the specific contents and Services into which under-ages can access corresponds to those adults in charge of them.

2.6. Obligación de hacer un uso correcto del Portal y de los Servicios

The User undertakes to use the Portal and the Services in accordance with the law, the present Legal Warning, the Particular Terms of certain Services and other warnings, use regulations and instructions placed on their knowledge, as well as with the morality and manners commonly accepted and the public order sense.
For this purpose, the User will refrain from using any of the Services with illicit purposes or effects, forbidden in the present Legal Warning, harmful to the rights and interest of others, or which anyway could harm, disable, overload, spoil or prevent the normal use of the Services, the computing equipment or documents, files, and every kind of content stored in any computing equipment (hacking) of the company, other Users or any Internet user (hardware and software).
Specially, and as merely and not thorough indication, the User commits him/herself to not transmit, broadcast or make available to others informations, data, contents, messages, graphics, sound and/or image files, pictures, recordings, software and in generally, any kind of material which:
  • in any way may be contrary, disparage or attack against the fundamental rights and civil liberties constitutionally recognized, in international Treaties and other legislation
  • induces, incites or promotes criminal acts, denigrating, slanderous, violent or, generally, against the law, morality and the commonly accepeted good manners or the public order.
  • induces, incites or promotes discriminative actions,attitudes or thoughts by a sex, race, religious, faith, age or condition reason
  • incorporates, makes available for or allows the access to products, elements, messages and/or criminal, violent, harmful, or degrading services or, generally, against the law, morality and the good manners
  • induces or could induce an unacceptable anxiety or fear state
  • induces or encourages involvement in dangerous, risky, or harmful to health and mental balance practices
  • it's false, ambiguous, inaccurate, exaggerated or untimely, in a way that induces or may induce to error about its object or about the caller's intentions or purposes
  • it's protected for any intellectual or industrial property owned by others, without having the User the previous consent of its holders needed to carry out the use he or she makes or pretends
  • violates the business secret of others
  • it's against the right to honor, personal and family privacy or to the persons own image
  • undermines anyway the company or others credibility
  • breaks the rules on communication's secret
  • constitutes, if any, illicit, misleading or unloyal publicity and, generally, forming unloyal competition
  • incorporates virus or other physic or electronic elements abled to harm or prevent the normal operation of the network, the system or the computing equipment (hardware and software) of the company or others, or abled to harm the electronic documents and files stored in the mentioned equipment
  • provokes, for its characteristics (as well as format, extension, etc), complications with the Service's normal operation
  • contains different HTML tags from those specifically authorized by the company

2.7. Obligación de hacer un uso correcto de los Contenidos

El Usuario se compromete a utilizar los contenidos puestos a disposición de los Usuarios en el Portal, entendiendo por éstos, sin que esta enumeración tenga carácter limitativo, los textos, fotografías, gráficos, imágenes, iconos, tecnología, software, links y demás contenidos audiovisuales o sonoros, así como su diseño gráfico y códigos fuente (en adelante, los «Contenidos»), de conformidad con la ley, el presente Aviso Legal, las Condiciones Particulares de ciertos Servicios y demás avisos, reglamentos de uso e instrucciones puestos en su conocimiento, así como con la moral y las buenas costumbres generalmente aceptadas y el orden público, y, en particular, se compromete a abstenerse de:
(a) reproduce, copy, broadcast, make available or in any other way communicate publically, transform or modify the Content, unless having the authorization of the corresponding rights holder, or if it is legally allowed;
(b) remove, manipulate or in some way change the «copyright» and other data identifying the rights reservations of the company or its holders, the digital prints or any other technical means stablished for its recognition.
The User will must refrain from getting or even try to get the Contents by using means or procedures different from those which, depending on the case, have been made available for this purpose or they have been indicated to this purpose in the web pages where the Contents are or, generally, different from which are ussually employed on Internet for this purpose provided they don't constitute a risk of harm or disablement of the Portal, the Services and/or the Content .

2.8. Uso de los Servicios ofrecidos en el Portal de conformidad con la Política Anti-Spamming de la empresa

The user agrees to refrain from:
(i) requesting data with publicitary purpose or with the aim of sending advertising of any kind and communications with selling purposes or others of comercial nature without the mediation of its previous request or its consent;
(ii) sending any other message not requested neither previously consented to a plurality of people; (iii) sending email chains not requested neither previously consented;
(iv) using distribution lists accessible through the Services, for carrying out activities pointed at the above paragraphs (i) to (iii);
(v) making available to others, with any purpose, data obtained from distribution lists.
Los Usuarios o terceros perjudicados por la recepción de mensajes no solicitados dirigidos a una pluralidad de personas podrán comunicárselo a la empresa remitiendo un mensaje a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico: help ARROBA appsdrop.com

2.9. Placement of hyperlinks allowing the access to the Portal web pages and to the Services

The Users and, generally, those people who attend to place a hyperlink betwenn their website and the Portal (hereafter, the «Hyperlink») must meet the following conditions:
(a) the Hyperlink will allow the access to the Portal pages, but won't be able to reproduce them in anyway;
(b) Won't create a frame over the Portal webpages;
(c) there will be no false, inaccurate or wrong demonstrations or indications about the company, its directives, its employees, the Portal webpages and the provided Services ;
(d) It won't be declared neither insinuated that the company has authorized the Hyperlink or that it has monitored or assumed in anyway the services offered or made available by the web page where the Hyperlink is placed;
(e) excepting those signs forming part of the Hyperlink itself, the web page where it's placed won't contain no brand, comercial name, sign, name, logo, slogan or any other distinctive signs belonging to the company ; y
(f) the web page where the Hyperlink is placed won't contain informations or illicit content, against the morality and the good manners commonly accepted and the public order, as well as it won't also contain content against any rights of thirds.
The Hyperlink placement does not imply in any case the existance of relations between the company and the owner of the web page where it is placed, neither the company's agreement or acceptance of his/her contents or services .

3. No license

All brands, comercial names or any kind of distinctive signs appearing in the Portal are property of the company or thirds, without existing the possibility understand that the use or acces to the Portal and/or the Services gives the User any right over the mentioned brands, comercial names and/or distinctive signs.
Also, the Contents are intellectual property of the company or thirds, without existing the possibility of consider yielded to the User, under the provisions of this Legal Warning, none of the explotation rights which exist or could exist over the mentioned Contents, beyond the strictly needed for the proper use of the Portal and the Services.

4. Responsibility and guarantees exclusion

4.1. Guarantees and responsibility exclusion for the operation of the Portal and the Services

4.1.1. Availability, continuity, usability and fallibility

The company does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the Portal and the Services operation. When it becomes reasonably possible, the company will previously warn about any interruption on the operation of the Portal and the Services. The company won't also guarantee the usability of the Portal and the Services for the performing of any particular activity, neither its infallibility and, specially, although not in a exclusive way, that the users are able to really use the Portal and the Service, access the different web pages forming the Portal or those from where the Services are provided.
The company excludes, with the full extent allowed by law, any responsibility for damage of any nature that may result from the lack of availability or continuity in the operation of the Portal and the Services, or the fraudulent use that the users could have attributed to the Portal and the Services, to the Portal and the Services fallibility and, specially although not in a exclusive way, the failure in the access to the different web pages of the Portal or those from where the Services are provided .

4.1.2. Privacy and security in the use of the Portal and the Services

The company excludes, with the full extent permitted by law, any responsibility for any kind of damage that may result of the knowledge that non-authorized thirds may have about the kind, conditions, features and circumstances of the use the Users make of the Portal and the Services.

4.2. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the Contents

4.2.1. Quality

The company excludes, with the full extent permitted by law, any responsibility for any damage that may result of the presence of virus or the presence of other elements in the Contents that may produce changes in the computing system, electronic documents or user's files.

4.2.2. Legality, reliability and utility

La empresa excluye, con toda la extensión permitida por el ordenamiento jurídico, cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la transmisión, difusión, almacenamiento, puesta a disposición, recepción, obtención o acceso a los contenidos.:
The content is offered for general information and it is not intended to advice as many factors may be considered for a decision. Hence, users might obtain professional advice before making any decision..

4.2.3. Truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and topicality

The company does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and topicality of the Content. The company excludes, with the full extent permitted by law, any responsibility for any kind of damage that may result of the lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness and/or topicality of the contents.

4.3. Exclusion of the guarantees and responsibility for the services provided by thirds through the Portal

4.3.1. Quality

The company excludes any responsibility for any kind of damage that may result of the presence of virus or the presence of other harmful elements in the services provided by thirds through the protal that may produce changes in the user's computing system, electronic documents or files.

4.3.2. Legality, reliability and utility

La empresa no garantiza la licitud, fiabilidad y utilidad de los servicios prestados por terceros a través del Portal. La empresa excluye cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a los servicios prestados por terceros a través del portal.:

4.4. Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for the information, contents and services hosted outside the Portal

The Portal makes available for the Users technical link devices (such as, inter alia, links, banners, buttons), directories and search tools which allows the Users access to websites belonging and/or managed by thirds (hereafter «Linked Sites»). The placement of these links, directories and search tools at the Portal has the only object of facilitate the Users the search and access to information, contents and available services on Internet. .
The search tools results are directly provided by thirds and are consequence of the authomatic operation of technical mechanisms, so the company can't and does not control those results and, specially, the fact that among them appear Intenet sites which contents could result unlawful, against the morality or the good manners, or considered inappropriate because of other motives. In the event that a user considers that some of the sites included in the searching results contain unlawful activities or information and he/she is interested in request the removal of the link, the user is abled to implement the process displayed at the seventh clause of the present Legal Warning.
The company does not offer neither comercializes by itself nor by a third the information, contents and services available in the Linked Sites, neither previously controls, approves, recommends, watches over nor owns them, all of this safe from those cases where expressly stated otherwise by the company. The User, thus, must extreme caution with the valoration and use of the information, contents and services existing in the Linked Sites. The company doesn't guarantee neither assume any kind of responsibility for any kind of damage that may result of :
(a) the operation, availability, accessibility or continuity of the Linked Sites;
(b) the maintenance of the information, contents and services existing in the linked sites;
(c) the provision of transmission of information, contents and services existing in the Linked Sites;
(d) the quality, lawfulness and utility of the information, contents and services existing in the Linked Sites, with the same terms and scope than those displayed in the general term 5.2 and 5.3 regarding the contents and the services provided by thirds through the Portal.

4.5. Exclusion of warranties and responsibility for the use made by the Users of the Portal, the Services and the Contents,

The company has not the duty of control and doesn't controls the use that the users make of the Portal, the Services and the Contents. Specially, the company doesn't guarantee the fact that the Users use the Portal, the Services and the Content agree with the present Legal Warning and, when appropriate, with the Particular Terms resulting of aplication, neither guarantee they do this in a diligent and cautious way. The company also hasn't the duty of verify and doesn't verify to other Users the Users identity, nor the truthfulness, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the data the Users provide about themselves, except from those cases where it's allowed. . The company excludes any responsibility for any kind of damage that may result of the services and contents use by the users or that may result of the lack of truthfulness, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the information the Users provide to other users about themselves and, specially, although not in a exclusive way, by any kind of damage that may result of the impersonation of another by an user in any kind of communication made through the Portal.

5. Personal data protection and Cookies

For use some of the Services, the Users must previously give to the company, if they're requested, certain data of personal nature (hereafter «Personal Data»). The company will treat automatedly the Personal Data with purposes exposed, and also under the defined terms, on its Personal Data Protection Policy.
The company has adopted the personal data protection security levels legally required and tries to install other means and technical measures for additional protection. Nevertheless, the User must be aware that the security measures on the Internet aren't foolproof.
The company is allowed to use cookies when a User browses through the sites and web pages of the Portal. Cookies that can be used in the sites and web pages of the Portal are associated only with the browser of a concrete computer (an anonymous User), and doesn't provide themselves the User's name and surnames. Thanks to cookies, the company can recognize the Users browsers registered after them have logged in for the first time, without having to register each time they visit the Portal to access the areas and Services exclusively reserved for them. Cookies used are not allowed to read the cookie files created by other providers. The User is able to set his/her browser to notify on screen the cookies reception and to avoid the installation of cookies on his/her hard disk. Please, consult the instructions and manuals on your browser for further information. For the use of the Portal, it is not necessary that the User logs in each time he/she accesses to a previous registration required service.
Cookies used at sites and webpages of the Portal may be served by the company, in which case are served from the different servers operated for this, or from the servers of certain third parties who provide us services and serve cookies on behalf of the company (e.g: Cookies used to serve advertising or certain Contents and which make the User see the ads or certain Contents in a time, number of times and way predetermined). Whenever the user hasn't activated the option that avoids the cookies installation on his/her hard drive, he/she will be able to explore the hard drive by following the instruction and help manual of his operating system (usually, in Windows operating systems, he/she must consult the «C» folder or the corresponding disk drive, windows/cookies or windows/internet temporary files), to know with a bigger detail each server from where the cookies are sent and to proceed for its removal.
Regarding the ads google shows. Google uses associated advertising companies to publish advertisements when it visits our website. These companies may use the information obtained from your visits to this and other websites (this does not include names, postal and Email addresses or telephone numbers) to offer advertisements about products and services that may be of interest. If you would like to obtain more information about this practice and to be aware of your choices to prevent these companies from using this information, then click here.
Regarding Google Analytics, Google Analytics use cookies consisting of text files placed on your computer and which purpose is to analyze the use the users make of the Portal. The information obtained is saved by Google to their servers at the United States. Google is allowed to transmit this information to third parties due to legal requirements or when these third parties process information for Google. Also, Google won't associate your IP address with any other data they have. The User is able to configure his/her browser in order to avoid the cookies installation. Please, consult your browser's instructions for further information. . Using the Portal, the User agrees with the cookies use in the way and with the purposes pointed above. Likewise users are able to configure his/her browser to avoid cookie installation. Please, check your browser's manual for further information. By using our web users accept the use of cookies by the explained means. Besides, users are able to configure her/his browser to block cookie installation.. See cookie policies.

6. Procedure in case of making activities of unlawful nature

In the case that any User or a third considers that exist facts or circumstances revealing the unlawful nature of the use of any Content and/or the performing of any activity at the web pages included or accessible from the Portal and, specially, the violation of intellectual or industrial propriety rights (patents, models and industrial designs, brands and comercial names, etc) or other rights, must send a notice to de company containing the following features:
(a) Claimant's personal data: name, address, phone number and email address; (b) specification of the supposed unlawful activity performed in the Portal and, specially, when it refers to a supposed violation of rights; accurate and concrete indication of the protected content as well as its location at the web pages;
(c) facts or circumstances revealing the unlawful nature of the mentioned activity;
(d) in the event of a rights violation, handmade firm or equivalent, with the personal data of the supposedly infringed rights holder, or the person authorized for act in his/her name and on his/her behalf; (e) express, clear, and under the responsibility of the claimant declaration saying that the information provided in the notice is accurate and so is the information on the unlawful nature of the contents or on the performing of the activities described.

7. Notifications

Todas las notificaciones y comunicaciones, a excepción de las que se fije su propia normativa para ello, (en adelante, las «Notificaciones») por parte del Usuario a la empresa se considerarán eficaces, a todos los efectos, cuando se dirijan al Servicio de Atención al Usuario de alguna de las siguientes formas::
(a) Sending by postal mail to the following address: c/Balmes, nº 1, first floor, 08225-Terrassa (Barcelona-Spain).
(b) Communication by a phone call to the phone number shown for the customers attention at the Portal .
(c) Envío por correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: help ARROBA appsdrop.com
All the Notices by the company to the User will be considered effective, to all purposes, when they're performed in any of the following ways:
(a) Sending by postal mail to the Users domicile if it has been made known to the company ;
(b) Sending by email to any of the mailboxes the User have or could have as a part of any other service the company provides to the User;
(c) Communication by a phone call to the User phone number, if it has been made known to the company;
(d) Through emergent messages sent during the providing of the Services by the company to the User.

In this sense, all the Notices that the company gives to the user will be considered validly made if they have been performed with the data and by the means pointed above. For this purposes, the User demonstrates that every data provided are true and correct, and he/she commits to communicate the company all changes related to the notice data.

8. Withdrawal and suspension of services

The company will be able to withdraw or suspend the Services provision at any time and without needing a previous notice to those Users who violate what is stated at the present Legal Warning.

9. Duration and termination

The provision of the Portal service and the other Services has, in principle, an indeterminate duration. The company, however, is authorized to terminate or suspend the provision of the Portal service and/or of any of the Services at any time, without damage about what may have been displayed in this regards in the corresponding Particular Terms..

10. Applicable law

El presente Aviso Legal se rige en todos y cada uno de sus extremos por la ley española y queda sujeto a la vigente legislación española aplicable. Para la resolución de cualquier conflicto o litigio que pudiera derivarse del acceso a esta página web, los usuarios y el Portal se comprometen a someterse a los juzgados que resulten competentes. .
En caso de nulidad de alguno de sus puntos se considerará nulo en todo caso el punto determinado, no la totalidad de ellos. .

11. Use of AppsDrop app

We do not use private data. If your anonymous advertising ID is enabled (Google Advertising ID) we use it to know which apps you like and offer you quality app recommendations. You can't be identified by using this data. Furthermore, you can reset or disable it:
Menu > Google configuration > Ads > Restore advertising ID

Cookies policy

¿What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files that websites you visit save in your browser folder, and which are recovered every time you visit them. So a site can remember information about your last visit, as the language you used to browse. This way you don't have to write again your information every time you enter a web; also you can access to useful info about your last visit.

Cookies are very importante because they help to get web surfing easier and simpler. For example, they save your preferences in page and the language you browser; so you don't have to set your language every time you enter in that page.

Are all the AppsDrop software safe?

Yes. Cookies are text files, so they can't bring virus or harmful malware. Also they can't access to personal information located in your PC. The information that a web stores is only related with your actions and habits when you use a web browser.

AppsDrop cookies only can store data about your preferences in AppsDrop web site, and then recover it when you enter again.

Why does AppsDrop uses cookies?

Because we want to bring your the best experience in our website, so they are essential. In fact, most websites use cookies. AppsDrop use them for various purposes, including register and log in. We need them also to know the content that you like more, and highlight it to increase the relevance of the ads you see. Ths is very useful for use to know better what you like most, so we can deliver the best contente to you. In next section you'll see in detail how we use cookies.

What cookies does AppsDrop use?

Cookie typeProviderInfoGoalPrivacy policies
Statistics Google Analytics From where have you entered (which pages or search engines), what pages inside the Portal have you visited and how much time have you been there. To know anonymously how users use AppsDrop and improve our web to help you find what your are looking for. Cookies policy
Scials Facebook User's name, birth date and friend's list To inform users if they have friends that use AppsDrop; so, if they want, they can help each other and recommend apps. Cookies policy
Techniques AppsDrop Username in AppsDrop and his email When an user register and log in, this cookie is stored to keep him identified and logged in his account. (this page)
advertising Google Adsense Visit duration, pages visited To show more relevant ads to users. Cookies policy
advertising DoubleClick by Google Pages visited To show ads more relevant to users, adapted to the device that they use. Also limit the nomber of ads they see. Cookies policy

Why should I allow cookies in AppsDrop?

Because many features that we offer are based on them. Without cookies you can browse and download apps without any problem. But with cookies we offer extra features such as save your favorite programs, create apps list, review programs and posts... for all this we need cookies and store account information.

How to manage (block or eliminate) the cookies from your browser?

From your browser you can see all the information about the cookies that you have installed. E. g.:

  • To know which websites have installed cookies
  • Erase cookies you want
  • Set up your browser to don't accept cookies (or block them from particular websites)
  • See cookies content
  • and so on

Depending on the web browser you use, you can find this configuration in different menus:

  • Firefox: Options > Privacy > Tracking
  • Chrome: (upper right button) > Configuration > Show advanced options > Privacy > Content configuration > Cookies
  • Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet options > Privacy > Configuration
  • Safari: Preferences > Security

If your browser is not in this list, this adjustment is usually located in the preferences menu.