Internet Accelerator

Internet Accelerator


2º of 2 in Speed up Internet

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14 downloads (last 7 days)

Download Internet Accelerator for Android on AppsDrop and witness the awe of boosted web performance.


Optimises internet speed for active tasks.
Reduces overall data consumption.
Customisable data management settings.
User-friendly interface for ease of use.


Requires certain permissions for functionality.
May not support all Android devices.
Advanced features might overwhelm some users.
Potentially less effective on already high-speed connections.

As we delve into the world of Android apps, the Internet Accelerator stands out as a notable tool designed to enhance your browsing experience. Key features such as speeding up your internet connection, reducing data consumption, and simplifying your online activities have made it increasingly popular among users who cherish speed and efficiency on the web. Let’s explore the capabilities of this intriguing app and determine whether it’s a must-have on your Android device.

Discover the main feature that sets Internet Accelerator apart

Internet Accelerator’s primary feature is its ability to optimize and accelerate your internet connection. Upon testing the app, it became evident that this claim isn’t just marketing jargon. The app utilises advanced algorithms to prioritise bandwidth for your active tasks, ensuring that you enjoy faster loading times and smoother streaming. It intelligently manages background data usage, so your key activities get the speed boost they require.

This feature is particularly beneficial for users with slower connections or those looking to get the most out of their data plan. Internet Accelerator doesn’t just indiscriminately increase speed; it does so smartly, ensuring that priority is given to the content you’re actively engaging with. For example, while watching a video, you’ll notice less buffering and a significant improvement in quality without any interruption.

Improve your browsing experience

While reviewing Internet Accelerator, it became evident that the app excels in refining the web browsing experience. Pages loaded quicker, and there was a noticeable decrease in the time it took for images and videos to load. This optimisation is especially apparent on resource-heavy websites, where content-heavy pages can often cause slowdowns on mobile devices.

The app’s ability to minimise data consumption without compromising on speed is a game-changer for those with limited data packages. By compressing data and utilising internet acceleration technology, the Internet Accelerator ensures that users don’t have to choose between speed and saving data.

Seamless streaming for videos and music

The enhanced streaming capability is another standout aspect of Internet Accelerator. The app seemingly buffers content like videos and music more efficiently, allowing you to enjoy your favourite entertainment without the dreaded pause for buffering. This is a critical feature in an era where mobile streaming is becoming the norm.

In testing, even on a modest internet plan, streaming services like YouTube and Spotify performed better with Internet Accelerator. It’s impressive to see how effectively the app allocates bandwidth for these services, providing a smoother streaming experience even when the connection isn’t at its best.

How to enhance your smartphone’s connectivity with Internet Accelerator

Internet Accelerator is not just about speed. It also protects your smartphone from excessive data waste by managing the way applications use the internet. The app actively prevents apps from consuming unnecessary data in the background, which not only preserves your data plan but can also lead to improved battery life as your device isn’t working as hard to maintain those background connections.

The sophisticated data management features extend to giving users the ability to select which apps can access data and which should be restricted. This level of customisation is highly beneficial for those who wish to control their device’s data usage and ensure that only important apps have the liberty to use mobile data.

Customizable data usage settings

Throughout the testing period of Internet Accelerator, one of the most appreciated features was the ability to personalise data usage for individual apps. This is ideal for users who want finer control over their monthly data usage, allowing you to grant more data to apps you frequently use and less to those you don’t.

This level of control isn’t something you see in every app, and it’s a boon for Internet Accelerator users. Adjusting settings can be done swiftly and intuitively, ensuring that even less tech-savvy users can take full advantage of this feature.

Minimizing data consumption for long-term savings

The long-term benefits of minimized data consumption cannot be overstated. Over the course of a month, the savings in data can be considerable, especially when compounded over an entire billing cycle. Internet Accelerator helps to shave off unnecessary data usage without your active intervention once the settings are in place.

Another critical observation was that despite the reduction in data usage, there was no noticeable compromise in the quality of my online activities. This solidifies Internet Accelerator’s position as a tool that offers a win-win situation—saving money while enjoying high-speed internet.

How to download Internet Accelerator

Many users are often concerned about the complexity of downloading and installing new apps. However, the procedure to obtain Internet Accelerator is straightforward. The process starts with a visit to AppsDrop, where you’ll find the download link at the top of the page. Clicking this link will initiate the download, and from there, installation is as simple as following the on-screen instructions.

Ensuring that your device meets the necessary requirements for the app is key before proceeding with the download. Once these criteria are met, you’ll be mere moments away from enjoying a faster, more efficient internet experience on your Android device. Remember, downloading from a reputable source like AppsDrop ensures that you get the genuine app free of any malicious software.

Step-by-step instructions for installation

Once on AppsDrop, you’ll notice the user-friendly interface that makes downloading Internet Accelerator hassle-free. First, locate the download link at the top of the page. Ensure that your phone’s settings allow for the installation of apps from external sources. This can usually be found under ‘Security’ in your device’s settings. If prompted, approve the download and installation, and the app will be ready to use in no time.

After installation, open Internet Accelerator and follow the intuitive setup process. The app will ask for certain permissions which are necessary for it to function correctly. Grant these, and the app will begin optimising your connection. The setup is quick and non-intrusive, ensuring you’re not bogged down by complicated configuration steps.

Who will benefit most from Internet Accelerator?

The user demographic for Internet Accelerator is surprisingly broad. Anyone who values a zippy online experience will benefit from this app. Users who frequently stream media, play online mobile games, or work remotely on their devices will find Internet Accelerator invaluable due to its ability to streamline their connectivity and manage data efficiently.

Similarly, individuals on limited data plans, or those looking to reduce their monthly data consumption without sacrificing internet speed, will find Internet Accelerator to be a cost-saving tool. Its user-friendly interface means that even those who aren’t particularly tech-savvy can easily enjoy the advantages it offers.

 Is suitable for a wide user base

From the tech enthusiast tinkering with their home network to the novice smartphone user who simply wants faster internet, Internet Accelerator serves a wide array of users. Its simplicity does not deter power users, who can delve into the app’s advanced features for granular control over their data usage.

Its impressive capability to enhance internet speeds intelligently also makes it an attractive proposition for business professionals who need reliable and quick connectivity for communication and cloud services. Whether it’s for leisure or work, Internet Accelerator is a robust solution that delivers tangible benefits.


In conclusion, the Internet Accelerator app presents a valuable addition for Android users who are looking to enhance their online experience. With its compelling set of features focused on speed optimisation and data management, it’s clear that this app could greatly benefit a substantial user base. Downloading the app from AppsDrop secures a safe and straightforward installation process, enabling you to take advantage of its full capabilities without delay.

So, if you’re in search of a tool to make your online activities more efficient, consider giving Internet Accelerator a try. You might just be surprised at how much smoother your digital life can become. Remember, a faster internet connection is just one app away—with Internet Accelerator, you’re in control of your online experience.


  • How large is the app, and will it take up a lot of space?

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0.4 MB

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Works with

Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0


7 years and 10 months ago


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