Facebook Pages Manager

Facebook Pages Manager

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Download Facebook Pages Manager for Android on AppsDrop and revolutionise how you connect with your Facebook audience!


Streamlined multi-page management from one dashboard
Comprehensive analytics to inform content strategy
Direct publishing and post scheduling for efficient management
Customisable notifications and robust message management tools


Occasional app performance issues with updates
High data usage when managing visual content
Requires time investment to master all features
In-app purchases may be necessary for advanced users

Facebook Pages Manager is a versatile Android application that streamlines the management of Facebook pages directly from your mobile device. Catering to administrators who want to stay connected with their audience while on the move, this app provides a handy toolkit to post updates, respond to messages, and view insights. Important features like posting scheduling, message filtering, and in-depth analytics make this app an indispensable asset for page admins.

Intuitive Interface for Simplified Page Management

The Facebook Pages Manager app offers an intuitive user interface that makes it simple for admins to navigate and control their pages. The home screen promptly displays all your pages, ensuring you can switch between them with ease. This seamless design allows for a streamlined experience when updating statuses, sharing photos or links, and more.

Detailed insights are presented in a clear format, enabling users to quickly understand their page’s performance. You can access metrics such as reach, engagement, and demographic data. These analytics are fundamental in adapting your content strategy to better serve your audience and maximise your page’s impact.

Real-time Notifications to Keep You In the Loop

Staying up-to-date with your page’s activity is effortless thanks to real-time notifications. Whether it’s a new comment, message, or like, the app ensures you’re immediately informed, enabling prompt responses to your community’s interactions, which is crucial for maintaining engagement and fostering a vibrant page community.

The notification settings are customizable, giving you control over what alerts you receive. By fine-tuning these settings, you can stay focused on the notifications that matter most to you and keep distractions at bay – a valuable feature for any busy admin.

Post Scheduling to Plan Your Content Calendar

One of the app’s key features is the ability to schedule posts. This forward-thinking functionality allows you to plan content in advance and maintain a consistent presence on your page, even when you’re not online. The scheduling tools are robust and user-friendly, supporting various post types and timings.

Additionally, the app offers the option to save drafts, perfect for crafting posts when inspiration strikes and holding them until the optimal posting time. This level of content management is typically seen in standalone social media tools, making it a significant advantage of Facebook Pages Manager.

Sophisticated Analytics for Informed Strategies

Deep diving into your page’s analytics is facilitated by detailed and sophisticated reporting. Understanding your audience, what content resonates with them, and how they interact with your page is crucial for any successful page administrator. This app proffers the granularity required to make data-driven decisions with ease.

The ability to analyse trends over time and track the performance of individual posts is also included. By leveraging this data, you can refine your approach, improving the quality and effectiveness of your communication and hence, fostering better engagement with your followers.

Message Management to Nurture Customer Relationships

Messages from your audience can be managed directly within the app, featuring tools to filter and sort conversations. You can prioritize messages, mark them as done, or flag them for follow-up. This level of message management is pivotal for admins seeking to cultivate strong customer relationships and offer top-tier customer service.

Moreover, the app supports automated responses, allowing you to craft standard replies for common inquiries which saves time and helps maintain a consistent voice when interacting with your page followers.

Page Roles and Permissions for Team Collaboration

Facebook Pages Manager understands the collaborative nature of managing a page, offering robust support for different page roles and permission settings. You can effortlessly add team members and assign roles, ensuring they have the appropriate access level to perform their tasks without compromising the security of the page.

Having these permissions set correctly is critical for larger teams, where task delegation and responsibility clarity are key aspects of effective page management and maintenance.

Direct Publishing Feature for Instant Updates

Publishing content straight from your mobile device is convenient and swift, thanks to the app’s direct publishing feature. Whether it’s a timely update, a live video, or sharing a significant moment, the ability to post content on the spot is a standout feature for page admins. This immediacy ensures that your page’s content is vibrant and timely, keeping your audience engaged.

Oftentimes, real-world events spark the need for immediate communication. The ability to publish content instantly using Facebook Pages Manager means your page can stay relevant and active, reflecting the ongoing dialogue within your community.

Integrate with Other Facebook Tools for a Cohesive Experience

The app is perfectly integrated with other Facebook tools, such as Ads Manager and Creator Studio. This integration provides a cohesive experience, allowing you to switch between different functionalities without leaving the app. Managing advertisements, viewing detailed content insights, or setting up monetization can all be done within Facebook Pages Manager.

The synergy with other Facebook services boosts productivity by reducing the need for multiple tools. Having such capabilities at hand enhances the overall functionality of the app and simplifies social media management.

Dedicated Tabs for Photos, Videos, and Albums

Organizing your visual content is streamlined with dedicated tabs for photos, videos, and albums within the app. This specialized approach allows page admins to manage their multimedia effectively, ensuring that the visual aspects of the page are as compelling and organised as the textual content. Each tab offers tools specific to the media type, such as editing and privacy settings.

The emphasis on multimedia is essential in the digital landscape where visuals play a key role in attracting and retaining audience attention. With these robust features, keeping your page visually stimulating is a breeze.

How to Download Facebook Pages Manager

To begin harnessing the power of Facebook Pages Manager on your Android device, the download process is straightforward. Simply visit AppsDrop and click on the download link found at the top of the page. AppsDrop offers a secure and quick way to download your essential apps. Once downloaded, follow the on-screen instructions to install the app and get started on your journey to more effective and efficient page management.

Remember, getting the app only takes a few moments, and soon you’ll have a comprehensive toolkit to manage your Facebook page at your fingertips. Whether at home or on the move, keeping up with your audience has never been easier or more convenient.

Who Will Benefit from Using Facebook Pages Manager?

The Facebook Pages Manager app is ideal for any page admin who desires efficient and effective management of their Facebook page on the go. If you’re a marketer, business owner, influencer, or any individual responsible for a Facebook page’s content and engagement, this app will serve as your ultimate mobile companion.

By leveraging the robust features it offers, you’ll ensure that your page remains active and responsive, connecting with your audience in a meaningful way. Whether you manage one page or multiple, Facebook Pages Manager simplifies the process and enhances your capabilities as an admin.

To sum up, the main feature of Facebook Pages Manager is its ability to streamline all aspects of Facebook page management directly from your Android device, empowering you to maintain a strong connection with your audience anytime, anywhere.


  • Can I manage multiple Facebook pages using the app?

  • Does the app provide insights into page analytics?

  • Is it possible to schedule posts with Facebook Pages Manager?

  • Can I customise notifications received from the app?

  • Does the app support live video publishing?

Ratings about Facebook Pages Manager


101 votes

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  • 39
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  • 6
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  • 5
  • Bad 
  • 12
  • Dreadful 
  • 39
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Additional details


63.35 MB

Latest version


English | Spanish 

Total Downloads


Works with

Android 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0


4 years and 9 months ago


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