Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2

Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2


29º of 42 in Adventure games

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36 downloads (last 7 days)

Download Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 for Android and embark on an artistic adventure where your creativity is your greatest tool.


Highly interactive drawing mechanics that foster creativity.
Charming visual and audio design providing an immersive experience.
Extensive character customization options ensuring a personal touch.
Engaging puzzles and secrets that encourage exploration and replayability.


Drawing mechanics may not appeal to those preferring traditional controls.
Limited platform availability; primarily on Android.
Some puzzles may be too challenging for younger players without assistance.
Requires a certain level of device performance for optimal gameplay.

Welcome to an imaginative world where creativity is at the heart of gameplay—Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2. In this riveting sequel, players craft their own stickman hero, navigate through enchanting environments, and solve challenging puzzles. This article dives deep into the standout features of the app and provides a comprehensive review for potential downloaders.

An innovative approach to gameplay in Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2

Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 stands out with its unique interactive storytelling, where players are not just passive observers but active creators. The immersive world invites you to draw your way out of problems, whether by sketching tools or contraptions to bypass obstacles or doodling allies to aid in your quest. Drawing mechanics are fluid and easy to grasp, ensuring a seamless experience.

The game’s approach is underpinned by a robust drawing engine, which translates your sketches into dynamic in-game elements. As the complexity of puzzles increases, so does the need for creative solutions—your own drawings play a central role in how you progress through each level, creating a highly personalized playthrough each time.

The magic pencil feature: Bringing drawings to life

The Magic Pencil is the cornerstone of Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2—it is what allows your doodles to come alive in the game world. This feature is not just a gimmick; it forms the basis of puzzles and challenges, making innovation and creativity essential. To overcome obstacles, you must think outside the box and sketch your way forward.

Whether it’s drawing a rain cloud to grow a plant or a key to unlock a door, the Magic Pencil broadens the gameplay mechanics beyond mere stick figures. Its use is interwoven with the narrative, making every playthrough a unique tale sculpted by the player’s imagination.

Immersive worlds and challenges

The worlds in Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 are not just static backdrops; they are interactive canvases waiting for your input. With varied environments that include forests, caves, and underwater scenes, each setting demands a different approach to the puzzles it presents. The well-designed levels guide players gently from simple tasks to more complex conundrums.

Challenges scale in difficulty, yet they remain accessible due to the intuitive drawing mechanics. Side quests and hidden secrets add layers of depth to the game, urging players to explore every nook and cranny. Engaging directly with the landscapes ensures that the sense of discovery is a constant delight.

Stunning visuals and a soundtrack that complements the gameplay

In Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2, the bold and cartoony art style is visually engaging, creating a charming world full of personality. The colorful palette and fluid animations enrich the whimsical feeling of the game and enhance the overall user experience. Each drawn element integrates seamlessly with the environment, reinforcing the sense that your creations are integral to the world.

The game’s soundtrack deserves equal praise, composed of a collection of tracks that perfectly match the mood of each setting. Whether it’s the playful notes during a moment of ingenuity or suspenseful tones during a daunting challenge, the audio cues complement the visual experience and deepen the immersive gameplay.

Detailed character customization

One of the joys of Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 is the detailed customization offered for creating your stickman character. You have free rein over the appearance of your hero, from the shape and color right down to the finer details like outfits and accessories. This level of personalization makes every stickman genuinely unique to its creator.

More than just an aesthetic feature, the choices you make for your stickman can sometimes influence gameplay. As you draw, you engage deeply with the character, fostering a stronger connection and investment in the well-being of your wiry protagonist.

An enjoyable score that resonates with players

The music of Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 is an auditory treat that resonates with its audience. The delightful arrangements enhance the game’s light-hearted yet adventurous atmosphere, ensuring that the experience is not only seen and played but also heard. It’s a score that lingers, inviting players back into the game’s charming world time and again.

What’s more, the music dynamically responds to the gameplay. Whether you’re battling a daunting dragon or carefully plotting your next masterpiece, the soundtrack adjusts to intensify the moment, creating a cohesive synergy between gameplay and audio that few games achieve.

How to download Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2

If you are ready to start your creative adventure with Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2, the downloading process is straightforward. All you need to do is navigate to the download link found at the top of the AppsDrop page. Click on the link, and you will be directed through the necessary steps to install the app on your Android device.

It’s worth mentioning that AppsDrop is a trusted source for downloading games and programs. It offers a safe and simple process for acquiring Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2. Ensure that your device meets the necessary system requirements before downloading to enjoy the full range of features offered by the game.

Simple steps for a successful download

To get Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 on your device without any fuss, follow the simple steps provided on AppsDrop. From selecting the correct version for your Android OS to the final installation, the website guides you through the process, ensuring a trouble-free download experience.

Remember, the app is only a few clicks away. Ensure you have a steady internet connection before starting the download to prevent any interruption, and in no time, you’ll be ready to unleash your creativity with your very own stickman character.

Ensuring compatibility with your Android device

Before downloading the game, make sure your Android device meets the necessary system requirements for Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2. Compatibility ensures optimal performance—check the version of your operating system and the hardware specifications required for the app. This information is readily available on AppsDrop, helping you to make an informed decision.

Once confirmed, proceed with the download with peace of mind, knowing that you’re about to enjoy a stable and fluid game on your Android smartphone or tablet.

What type of user might like or find Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 useful?

Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 appeals to a broad spectrum of users. If you’re the kind of player who treasures creativity and enjoys puzzle-solving, this app is up your alley. Its approachable gameplay mechanics make it suitable for all ages, from children craving a visual outlet to adults looking for a novel gaming experience.

Moreover, for those who enjoy a good story and appreciate the charm of a hands-on gaming experience, Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 offers a compelling world to discover. Its emphasis on exploration and invention makes it perfect for imaginative minds eager to craft their own adventures.



  • Can you play Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 without any drawing skills?

  • Is Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 suitable for kids?

  • Are there different levels of difficulty?

  • Can you customize your stickman character?

  • Is Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2 available on other platforms?

Ratings about Draw a Stickman: EPIC 2


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  • 5
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  • 11
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3 years and 9 months ago

The app is not working on most devices

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85.94 MB

Latest version



English | Spanish 

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Works with

Android 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0


6 months ago


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