avast! Mobile Security

avast! Mobile Security


1º of 9 in Security suites

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Download avast! Mobile Security for Android and embark on the most secure and hassle-free mobile experience.


Robust antivirus engine that detects and neutralizes a wide range of threats
Comprehensive anti-theft features to protect and retrieve your device
Variety of additional privacy and performance enhancements
User-friendly interface that caters to both novice and advanced users


Ongoing notifications might be bothersome to some users
The full suite of features requires a subscription for premium versions
Higher battery consumption due to real-time scanning functionality
Some advanced features may be overkill for basic users

Welcome to our comprehensive review of avast! Mobile Security, a cutting-edge application designed to safeguard your Android device from various threats. As one of the most reliable antivirus applications available on AppsDrop, avast! Mobile Security provides a robust suite of features, such as virus scanning, app locking, anti-theft functionalities, and much more to ensure your device remains in tip-top condition.

Discover the robust antivirus and anti-malware protection of avast! Mobile Security

avast! Mobile Security stands out with its advanced virus scanning capabilities. During testing, it efficiently identified and neutralized threats ranging from malware to trojans. The app’s virus database is continuously updated to protect against the latest digital dangers. Users can schedule scans or conduct them manually, ensuring flexibility and peace of mind.

Another key aspect is its anti-malware features. avast! Mobile Security not only scans newly downloaded applications but also keeps an eye on what’s already installed. This layer of protection is crucial in maintaining a secure mobile environment against evolving threats that may bypass initial detection.

How does it perform its antivirus duties?

The app leverages its vast virus database along with heuristic analysis to detect harmful software. It swiftly quarantines suspicious files until you can review them, striking a balance between automation and user control. Detailed information about each threat is provided, equipping users with knowledge to make informed decisions.

Customizable scheduling options are an added boon. You can set up scans to run daily, weekly, or on-demand. Real-time protection ensures that any new files or apps are checked immediately, maintaining continuous vigilance over your device’s security.

Effortlessly manage your privacy with App Lock feature

The App Lock feature provides added security for sensitive applications by requiring a PIN, pattern, or fingerprint to access them. This is particularly useful in situations when your device is accessed by children or left unattended. It works seamlessly and offers an intuitive setup process that makes securing your private apps a breeze.

Throughout testing, the feature showed no significant impact on the device’s performance, ensuring your experience remains smooth. Privacy management with avast! Mobile Security empowers you with direct control over what’s accessible on your device, adding an essential layer of protection for your personal information.

What makes the App Lock feature stand out?

The standout factor for the App Lock feature is its simplicity combined with efficiency. It integrates with your device’s native security mechanisms, offering an additional layer without introducing complexity. Whether it’s social media, messaging apps, or personal finance tools, App Lock keeps your private data away from prying eyes.

It’s also notable that the feature allows for different authentication methods, catering to user preference. Whether you prefer a numeric PIN or a biometric fingerprint, avast! Mobile Security has you covered.

Protect and recover your device with Anti-Theft functionalities

The Anti-Theft component provides the means to locate, lock, or wipe your device if it is lost or stolen. This functionality is deeply integrated and offers options such as marking the device as lost, initiating an alarm, or displaying an on-screen message to aid in its recovery. During the review, these features performed accurately and swiftly.

Remote commands can be issued from the avast! Anti-Theft web portal, adding convenience and ease of use. In testing, the GPS tracking proved to be precise, and the option to remotely wipe sensitive data ensured peace of mind in the unfortunate event of a device being irretrievable.

How to utilize the Anti-Theft functionalities when needed?

To make use of avast! Mobile Security’s Anti-Theft functionalities, you begin by enabling them within the app. Once set up, any necessary actions like locking or locating your device can be performed through the avast! web portal. The information provided is real-time and incredibly detailed, providing all the necessary tools to protect your device.

In case of theft or loss, the ability to trigger a siren or send a custom message could prove invaluable. With clear, simple instructions on the web portal, users can take swift action to secure their data, even from a distance.

Explore the additional features enriching the App experience

Beyond its primary security capabilities, avast! Mobile Security offers additional features such as Call Blocker and Privacy Advisor. The Call Blocker effectively filters unwanted calls, which was seamlessly manageable and intuitive during our review. Meanwhile, the Privacy Advisor gave a thorough assessment of the permissions used by installed apps, identifying potential privacy risks.

The app also boasts performance-enhancing features such as the RAM booster and a junk cleaner, which helps to free up space and improve device operation. These tools, although secondary to security, contribute to a holistic device maintenance system that underscores the app’s comprehensive approach.

What can Privacy Advisor tell you about your apps?

Privacy Advisor is a particularly revealing feature, as it identifies which apps may be overreaching in their data access. It lists the permissions each app requires and assesses their necessity, informing users of potential privacy concerns. Throughout our review, it provided a clear and concise breakdown, assisting in making more educated choices about app usage.

Whether an app is accessing your contacts, location data, or using your camera, Privacy Advisor categorizes and displays this information transparently. This enables users to determine if they’re comfortable with the level of access each app has and take action if they’re not.

How to download avast! Mobile Security

To efficiently download avast! Mobile Security, head to the top of AppsDrop where you can find the download link. This dedicated platform for program and game downloads makes obtaining the app straightforward, and it’s a trusted source, ensuring you receive the legitimate version of the application without any complications.

The download process is designed to be quick and user-friendly. With just a few clicks, the app will be installed on your device and ready to provide its extensive security features. Remember, it’s essential to download apps from reputable sources like AppsDrop to avoid unintentionally introducing malware onto your device.

Is the download process of the App complicated?

The download procedure for avast! Mobile Security on AppsDrop is streamlined and accessible, even for less tech-savvy users. In our experience, the process was uncomplicated and completed within minutes. Simple instructions guide you throughout, making sure you’re able to start protecting your device without delay.

Concerns about download difficulty are unfounded, as the site clearly lays out each step. Once you’ve found avast! Mobile Security on AppsDrop, a single click on the download link will initiate the process, followed by easy-to-follow prompts that ensure a hassle-free installation.

Who should consider avast! Mobile Security as their preferred antivirus app?

avast! Mobile Security is an excellent choice for Android users who place high importance on the safety and security of their devices. Whether you’re a business professional with sensitive information, a parent looking to protect family devices, or just an average user conscious about digital threats, avast! Mobile Security offers the protection you need.

This app is also ideal for those who value a comprehensive security solution that goes beyond antivirus protection. With its suite of privacy tools, device optimization features, and Anti-Theft capabilities, it caters to a wide array of users seeking peace of mind in the digital age.

avast! Mobile Security provides extensive antivirus and anti-malware protection, ensuring your Android device stays secure against digital threats.


  • Can avast! Mobile Security scan for both viruses and malware?

  • How does the App Lock feature enhance security?

  • Is the Anti-Theft feature effective in recovering lost devices?

  • Does avast! Mobile Security include privacy protection tools?

  • Can avast! Mobile Security improve device performance?

Ratings about avast! Mobile Security

Very good

11 votes

  • Brilliant 
  • 4
  • Very good 
  • 4
  • Normal 
  • 1
  • Bad 
  • 0
  • Dreadful 
  • 2

1 review by registered users





Great security shield and cool anti-theft

10 years and 11 months ago

It must work really good because I can't hardly notice it's on my phone. My device is completely virus free and I'm sure I can browse the web safe, because avast warns you if you're going to a potentially dangerous website. I also like the Anti-Theft features, it makes a picture with the front camera and send it to my email anytime someone tries to unlock my device three times in a row

helpful? Thanks

2 votes


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28.6 MB

Latest version




Total Downloads


Works with

Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


5 years and 6 months ago


Security analysis


Package Name
