App Backup & Restore

App Backup & Restore


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Download App Backup & Restore for Android today and take control of your app management and data security!


Offers comprehensive backup options including batch backups and cloud storage support.
Simplifies app management with features such as quick uninstallation and version control.
Enables easy transfer and sharing of apps across devices.
Ensures data integrity and security with advanced backup


May not support backing up data for every single app due to Android system restrictions.
Some advanced features may require a learning curve for new users.
The app's operation can be affected by device-specific limitations or configurations.
It requires adequate storage space to hold backups

Welcome to our in-depth look at App Backup & Restore, a comprehensive tool for Android users seeking to secure their applications and data. This utility shines with capabilities like batch backup, quick uninstallation, and transfer of applications to different devices, ensuring that your digital life remains uninterrupted and well-managed. Let’s delve into what makes App Backup & Restore a must-have for proactive smartphone users.

Understanding how App Backup & Restore simplifies your digital life

One of the standout features of App Backup & Restore is its user-friendly batch backup option. This allows you to back up multiple apps with just a few taps, saving time and ensuring you have the latest versions stored safely. The process is intuitively designed, making it accessible for all users, regardless of their technical expertise.

The app also offers an auto-backup function, which can be programmed to regularly and automatically back up your selected applications. This feature is particularly useful for those who frequently update or change their apps, as it maintains a current backup without requiring manual intervention.

How App Backup & Restore secures your precious data

App Backup & Restore shines when it comes to security. With its sophisticated backup algorithm, it ensures your app data is stored securely and can be easily restored when needed. Whether you’re switching to a new phone or recovering from a device failure, your data is protected.

Moreover, the app supports saving backups to cloud-based services like Dropbox and Google Drive, allowing for remote access and additional security. By having backups on the cloud, you reduce the risk of data loss due to physical damage to your device.

Efficiently manage your apps with ease

Beyond backing up data, App Backup & Restore provides superior app management features. It allows you to view and manage all your apps from one place, including system apps, user apps, and even the apks on your device. This centralized approach simplifies how you interact with your installed applications.

The batch uninstallation feature is a testament to its management capabilities, offering the ability to quickly remove multiple apps in a streamlined manner. This is particularly convenient when preparing your device for a clean-up or optimizing storage space.

Evaluating the ease of transferring apps between devices

App Backup & Restore makes transferring apps between Android devices a breeze. Its ‘Send Backup’ feature enables you to share your apps’ apks with friends or across your own devices without the necessity of downloading them again from the Play Store. This function is invaluable when you’re in a pinch with limited internet access or data allowances.

The process utilises simple file-sharing methods such as email, Dropbox, or other platforms. By choosing App Backup & Restore, you equip yourself with the capability to transfer apps effortlessly, regardless of your location or connectivity constraints.

Ensuring compatibility across devices

Compatibility is key with App Backup & Restore, as the app supports a wide range of Android devices. It goes beyond basic backup and restore functions to ensure that your apps can be successfully shared and installed across different hardware configurations and Android versions, making it versatile for diverse technological environments.

This cross-device support is backed by the app’s ability to handle different app formats, guaranteeing the integrity and usability of your backups and installations without compatibility headaches.

Maintaining app version control effortlessly

With App Backup & Restore, you gain full control over your app versions. It empowers you to selectively backup specific versions of your apps, which can be quite useful if you prefer an older version over a new update or if you need to troubleshoot issues caused by a recent update.

Having access to previous versions means you can prevent unwanted changes by restoring to a preferred state. This version control is a life-saver for enthusiasts and professionals who value stability and functionality in their applications.

Exploring the advanced backup options for power users

Power users will appreciate App Backup & Restore’s advanced backup options that provide more control over what gets saved and how. The app enables selective backup of app data, allowing you to choose what to preserve, whether it’s just the apk or the apk with additional data and settings.

For those concerned about backup sizes, the app allows custom compression, which can significantly reduce the storage space required for backups. These advanced features cater to users who demand precision and efficiency in their backup strategies.

Diving into custom backup schedules

App Backup & Restore allows for the creation of custom backup schedules. This is an excellent feature for those who want their backups to occur during a certain time of day or on specific days, which can be aligned with their usage patterns or device downtime.

The granular control over scheduling does not compromise the app’s usability, as it maintains a simple user interface. The ability to set these bespoke schedules means your backups can happen without any interruption to your daily routine.

Optimising storage through backup trimming

The backup trimming feature in App Backup & Restore is a clever way to optimise your device’s storage. It automatically removes old backups, based on criteria you set, helping maintain a balance between redundancy and available space.

This feature is designed for users who have limited storage or those who backup frequently. By regularly trimming your backups, you ensure that your device remains clutter-free while still keeping your most crucial data secure.

How to download App Backup & Restore via AppsDrop

Downloading App Backup & Restore is straightforward and secure when done through AppsDrop. Simply visit the AppsDrop website and click on the download link at the top of the page. This link will guide you to obtain the latest and genuine version of the app.

Once the download is initiated, follow the on-screen instructions to install the app on your device. With AppsDrop’s reputation for safety, you can be assured that your download is free from harmful software, ensuring you get the best possible experience with App Backup & Restore.

Identifying the ideal user profile for App Backup & Restore

App Backup & Restore is an essential tool for any Android user who values their data and wishes to maintain a well-organised device. It’s especially useful for tech-savvy individuals who enjoy tinkering with apps, customise their user experience, or frequently switch devices.

Moreover, users who have faced data loss in the past or who have limited data plans will find App Backup & Restore indispensable in their digital toolkit, as it provides a failsafe against data loss and reduces the need for repetitive downloads.

App Backup & Restore’s main feature is its ability to efficiently back up and restore your applications and data, making it a crucial utility for anyone using an Android device.


  • Can App Backup & Restore back up app data and settings?

  • Is it possible to schedule automatic backups?

  • Does App Backup & Restore support cloud storage?

  • Can I use the app to transfer my apps to a new device?

  • Is it free to download App Backup & Restore from AppsDrop?

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4.34 MB

Latest version



English | Spanish 

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Android 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 6.0


8 years ago


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