Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager


2º of 4 in Anti-theft

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33 downloads (last 7 days)

Download Android Device Manager for Android and take the first step towards securing your digital life.


Real-time device location tracking that enhances chances of recovery.
Remote lock and data wipe functions for superior device security.
No need for tech-savviness due to its user-friendly interface.
Capable of managing multiple devices, ideal for individuals or families.


Does not work if the device is turned off or offline.
Requires a Google account for functionality.
May not locate a device with GPS disabled.
Erasing data is irreversible and should be used as a last resort.

If you’ve ever worried about the security of your Android mobile device or pondered over the possibility of losing it, then you’re going to want to acquaint yourself with Android Device Manager. Acting as a personal security guard for your handheld device, this app packs a punch with robust features like remote lock and wipe, location tracking, and more. In this detailed review, we’ll go in-depth into its main features and how they can offer peace of mind to Android users.

Locate your lost device with precision using Android Device Manager

One of the most distressing situations is losing one’s phone. Android Device Manager comes to the rescue with its precise location tracking feature. I tested it by ‘losing’ my phone around the house, and the app accurately displayed its location on a map. The app’s effortless process to pinpoint the device’s whereabouts is remarkable, whether it’s buried deep in a couch or left behind at a café.

The location data is presented in real-time, and in my experience, it was impressively accurate. This feature is crucial for not only finding a lost device but also for maintaining your peace of mind during those frantic moments when you’re not sure where you left your device.

Remote lock secures your device when it’s out of reach

Losing physical control of your device can be harrowing, but Android Device Manager allows users to enforce a remote lock. When I tested this feature, the setup was intuitive, and the lock activated almost instantaneously after sending the command. It’s a robust line of defense that prevents unauthorized access to your private information.

You can also customize a lock screen message to provide contact details, which is a thoughtful touch and enhances your chances of getting the device back in case it’s found by someone else. I found this to be a particularly valuable feature for those moments when your phone might still be nearby and found by an individual willing to return it.

Effortlessly erase sensitive data with a tap

There are instances when your lost device might fall into the wrong hands, and in such cases, data security is paramount. Android Device Manager provides a straightforward tool to wipe all data. During my assessment, executing a full erase was as simple as clicking a button – a critical feature that offers peace of mind should your device be irretrievable.

The ability to remotely wipe data gives you control over your personal and sensitive information, ensuring that it doesn’t get misused. This feature underscores the app’s commitment to data security and the lengths it goes to protect users.

A user-friendly interface that bolsters the app’s efficiency

Android Device Manager sports an interface that’s not only minimalist but also exceedingly user-friendly. It’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into making the app accessible, even to those who aren’t tech-savvy. During my review, navigating through the various options was straightforward, and functions were distinct and descriptive.

The simplicity of the design belies its powerful functionality – a testament to great app design. Its straightforward nature removes any potential barriers to securing one’s device, which is likely why it is favoured by many.

Manage multiple devices seamlessly with Android Device Manager

For those with more than one Android device, like tablets or a second phone, managing multiple devices is often cumbersome. Android Device Manager simplifies this task, allowing me to monitor and control each device I own through a single interface. It’s a game-changer, especially for families or individuals with several devices to keep an eye on.

The multitasking ability is impressive, with no compromise on performance or security when handling more than one device. Each one can be named and controlled individually, making the app ideal for both personal and professional use.

Ring your device to find it quickly when nearby

Another feature I found immensely useful is the ability to make the lost device ring at maximum volume. It’s perfect for those times when your phone slips between the cushions or hides in a coat pocket. Despite being on silent mode, my phone rang loud and clear, revealing its hiding spot during the review process.

This is the kind of simple yet powerful tool that adds value to Android Device Manager, and once you’ve used it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it. It is a demonstration of the app’s commitment to practicality and user convenience.

How to download Android Device Manager

Installing Android Device Manager couldn’t be more straightforward. To get started, simply follow the download link found at the top of the AppsDrop webpage. AppsDrop provides a secure and quick way to install, ensuring you get the genuine app with no hassle. On their site, the download process is laid out in a step-by-step format, which I followed without any confusion.

Once downloaded, setting up Android Device Manager is breezy – sign in with your Google account, and you’re ready to safeguard your devices. Remember that the quick link at the top of AppsDrop is the most direct and convenient way to start your journey to device security.

Who will benefit most from the App?

Android Device Manager will find an appreciative audience among virtually all Android users. Nonetheless, it is particularly beneficial for individuals who put a premium on security, constantly misplace their devices, or manage numerous devices simultaneously. The app’s features are designed to cater to a wide range of needs, whether that’s preventing data theft or simply finding a phone that’s slipped behind the sofa.

From busy professionals who need to safeguard their work devices to parents keeping track of family gadgets, Android Device Manager serves as an essential tool in the arsenal of any Android enthusiast. Its comprehensive yet straightforward approach to device management and security makes it an app that’s hard to live without.


  • Can Android Device Manager locate a switched-off device?

  • Does remote lock prevent payment transactions?

  • Can I lock or wipe my device without an internet connection?

  • Can I manage multiple accounts on one device?

  • Is it compatible with all Android versions?

Ratings about Android Device Manager


28 votes

  • Brilliant 
  • 6
  • Very good 
  • 8
  • Normal 
  • 2
  • Bad 
  • 4
  • Dreadful 
  • 8
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1.95 MB

Latest version




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Works with

Android 2.3, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4


9 years and 4 months ago


Security analysis


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